Memorial Applications
Memorials are permitted in all of our cemetery sites however each section within the cemetery has restrictions as to the items and overall size permitted for memorialisation of a grave.
An application for works should be submitted to the Cemetery Service for approval prior to the commencement of any works.
The Memorial application form can be downloaded from the link below.
What is permitted?
Permitted memorialisation is dependant on the size and type of grave.
Below is a guide of the maximum permitted memorial dimensions for each grave the Service offers.
The Service may consider variations to the below however this is considered on a case-by-case basis.
The Service also offers memorials via it’s in house company iCo where our trained staff are available to discuss the options available. We are also able to supply and fit any memorial you may consider.
Islington, St Pancras & Hampstead Cemeteries
Traditional Graves
6’6 x 2’6 Grave – 5’6 High X 2’6 Wide
Kerbs are permitted with a maximum length of 6’6 and minimum thickness of 6″
7’0 x 3’0 Grave – 6’6 High X 3’0 Wide
Kerbs are permitted with a maximum length of 7’0 and minimum thickness of 6″
9’0 x 4’0 Grave – 7’6 High X 4’0 Wide
Kerbs are permitted with a maximum length of 9’0 and minimum thickness of 6″
Lawn Graves
6’6 x 2’6 Grave – 3’0 High X 2’6 Wide
Mini kerbs are permitted with a maximum length of 1’6, width of 2’6 and thickness of 4″
7’0 x 3’0 Grave – 3’6 High X 3’0 Wide
Mini kerbs are permitted with a maximum length of 1’6, width of 2’6 and thickness of 4″
9’0 x 4’0 Grave – 4’6 High X 4’0 Wide
Mini kerbs are permitted with a maximum length of 1’6, width of 2’6 and thickness of 4″
Woodland Burial Area
No stone memorials are permitted within the Woodland Burial Area however, small wooden memorials are welcome and should be placed at the head of the grave.
Maximum dimensions apply as below,
Headstone Style – 3’6 High x 3’0 Wide x 4″ Thick
Marker Style – 1’8 Wide x 1’8 Front to back x 3’6 High
Please note that an appropriate length will be required to ensure stability of the marker once installed.
Garden of Remembrance and Public Graves
1’0 High x 1’0 Wide x 1’0 Front to back
Cremated Remains Graves
2’4 High x 2’0 Wide x 2’0 Front to back
Trent Park Cemetery (all graves)
Only flat memorial tablets are allowed on any grave space at Trent Park and they must be placed in the middle of the grave.
The maximum permitted dimensions are;
24″ Wide X 18″ Front to Back
Sloping or Wedge style memorial plaques are also permitted and should be no higher than 4″ at their highest point.
Please note
Items made from glass and the planting of trees is not permitted on any grave spaces. Memorials placed, should not exceed the dimensions approved or may be considered an infringement.
No memorials of Soft York, Caen or Bath Stone are permitted.
Portland and soft limestones are allowed, but we advise harder alternative is used.